Columba Bush blasts ‘help hubby’ email post announcement

Columba Bush blasts ‘help hubby’ email post announcement

It took only a few hours for the Jeb Bush campaign to pull the Columba card — with an email fundraising pitch sent at 9 p.m. Monday night, right after his announcement earlier that afternoon. Read related story: What Jeb Bush won’t talk about at big announcement — a lot The message also goes straight […]

What Jeb Bush won’t talk about at big announcement — a lot

What Jeb Bush won’t talk about at big announcement — a lot

Expect former Gov. Jeb Bush to talk about his family at the anticipated announcement this morning that he is running for president. Not just his famous father and brother, who have already served their own stints as the leader of the free world, but his Mexican wife who ultimately is what brought him to Miami […]

Here comes the cash: Parade of new PACs in time for elections

Here comes the cash: Parade of new PACs in time for elections

With elections in November looming in four of Miami-Dade’s biggest cities, and eyes on the local and state elections in 2016, the political action committees are coming. Folks like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera have shown that you don’t need hefty personal accounts if you raise the heavy-lifting funds for […]

Columba Bush is suddenly on twitter, how #convenient

Columba Bush is suddenly on twitter, how #convenient

As he gets ready for formally announce his presidential campaign, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush‘s wife joined the twitter nation Friday afternoon when she issued her first tweet from @ColumbaBush. “Privileged to meet @ICADV leaders while in IA with Jeb this weekend. Join me in supporting Domestic Violence prevention. Call 1-800-933-0333,” she posted shortly after […]

Lincoln Day Dinner with Marco Rubio, Carlos Lopez-Cantera

Lincoln Day Dinner with Marco Rubio, Carlos Lopez-Cantera

Now that they are competing for the same job, Sen. Marco Rubio will not let Sen. Ted Cruz take his place this year at the annual Lincoln Day Dinner, the biggest fundraiser thrown every year by the Miami-Dade Republican Party. But it’s not an endorsement or a slight on former Gov. Jeb Bush. Rubio was […]

Jeb Bush could announce presidential run in Miami May 18

Jeb Bush could announce presidential run in Miami May 18

The event is billed as a “reception” with Jeb and Columba Bush. But it has all the makings of an official announcement that the former Florida governor, son and brother of two past U.S. presidents, is running for president after all. No big deal. It’s expected. And Ladra can’t guarantee he is going to launch […]

It’s out: Marco Rubio sets sights for the 2016 White House

It’s out: Marco Rubio sets sights for the 2016 White House

And here we thought he was going to announce it first con su pueblo at the Freedom Tower, a place that means so much to the earliest Cuban exiles whose U.S. entry was processed there and who got their first cans of Spam in the historic, iconic building. But, nooooo. U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio let […]

Marco Rubio may announce run soon — for Prez? Or Gov?

Marco Rubio may announce run soon — for Prez? Or Gov?

Will he? Or won’t he? That is the $100 million campaign question. Odds are that U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio will, indeed, announce his long-desired presidential run next month at a press event at the celebrated Freedom Tower — a great possible backdrop for his important announcement, since it was the beacon that received and processed […]

Jeb Bush lack of Hispanics is okay for Iowa only

Jeb Bush lack of Hispanics is okay for Iowa only

UPDATED: So there’s a David Kochel, a Sally Bradshaw, a Kristy Campbell and even a Brandi Brown. I kid you not. Brandi! With an I. Then, at the very bottom of the list, there is a Pablo Diaz. Lackey. Waterboy. Is this how former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a darling of Hispanic Republicans, plans to […]

Jeb Bush finally makes breathless announcement for 2016

Jeb Bush finally makes breathless announcement for 2016

It’s almost like he was the last to know. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced breathlessly on Facebook Tuesday that he had “decided to actively explore” a run for the White House in 2016. As opposed to what? “Inactively exploring” or just “exploring” all by its lonesome, as he has been for at least the […]