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If you like what you read on Political Cortadito, here’s another way to support our efforts to keep an eye on government and make politicians accountable. You would not imagine how much public records cost!

Consider a contribution in any of the following amounts:

$25Buy me a weeks worth of cortaditos

$50 — Pays gas to get Ladra to a meeting

$100 — Buys us public records like email threads and contract agreements

$200 — Helps pay hosting services, update and maintain the website and expand our reach on social media

$500Helps Ladra upgrade to new technology (computers, iPads, video, audio and smartphone) for better and faster reporting

____ — Other Amount: You choose.

Please understand that any contribution to Political Cortadito will never compromise our commitment to the highest journalistic standards of integrity, accuracy, fairness and objectivity. It only shows Ladra that there is a need and a demand for what we do here.

To make your contribution safely with a credit card, please use the following PayPal link or click the PayPal button below. And THANK YOU!

We appreciate your generosity!
