Columba Bush blasts ‘help hubby’ email post announcement

Columba Bush blasts ‘help hubby’ email post announcement
  • Sumo

It took only a few hours for the Jeb Bush campaign to pull the Columba card — with an email fundraising pitch sent at 9 p.m. Monday night, right after his announcement earlier that afternoon.

Read related story: What Jeb Bush won’t talk about at big announcement — a lot

The message also goes straight to the general election contest with, most likely, Hillary Clinton, giving that confident, or arrogant, air that there is no primary to be concerned with here.


For 41 years I’ve stood by Jeb’s side, and now I’m asking you to do the same.Columba Jeb Bush

America needs Jeb’s leadership and experience in putting forward ideas and policies that help more people rise and reach their dreams.

But he can’t do it alone, he’s going to need your support along the way. That’s why I’m asking you to join our team, on Day One, by contributing $100, $50, $25, or anything you can afford.

The next 24 hours are crucial. The media, Hillary Clinton, everyone is watching to see how much support we have out the gate. So I’m asking you personally to stand by Jeb’s side with a contribution of $100, $50, $25, or even $5.

Thank you and God Bless,


The “next 24 hours” are always crucial, by the way.

Her message preceded one from the candidate himself, also a plea for donations, and promising to be a better president than Obama has been or Hillary Clinton could be.

“You and I know these past six years do not represent America’s best—that’s why I’m running. Our country is on a very bad course. We can’t sit by and let this amazing nation be mismanaged and misled for another minute, much less another 4 years,” Bush writes. “Today is about a new beginning. Today, we launch a campaign to revive America and bring conservative leadership back to the White House.”

Blah, blah, blah. We are used to the rah rah from him. What we are not used to is a personal appeal from Columba Bush, who is famous for staying in the shadows of her husband’s political stardom. She doesn’t like the limelight and scrutiny of public office.

Maybe she is still a little camera shy after she was detained and fined by U.S. Customs for misrepresenting the value of clothing and jewelry she brought from a shopping spree in Paris where she spent almost $20,000. She also spent $90,000 over the course of six weeks at her favorite Mayor’s Jewelers in Sunrise, so she likes to shop, not to talk to reporters or promote her hubby’s campaign.

Read related story: Columba Bush is suddenly on twitter, how #convenient

But the campaign team has to put her front and center for this go around. It is the White House, after all. Mrs. Jeb just joined twitter last month — because only now she has come to want to communicate with the world — and sat by his mom, former First Lady Barbara Bush, during the big announcement at Miami-Dade College’s Kendall Campus Monday.

Expect an email from Barb soon, too.

Even before the announcement, Columba Bush seemed to be relishing her new role — she was spotted brandishing a “Viva Jeb! presidente 2016” bumper sticker on her green Mini Cooper weeks ago, which would have let the cat out of the bag if her hubby hadn’t been campaigning for months. 

Ladra expects this will be only the first of many emails “from” Columba Bush in the next 14 months.