About Elaine de Valle (aka “Ladra”)

About Elaine de Valle (aka “Ladra”)
  • Sumo

Ladra is the alter ego of Elaine de Valle, who worked for 18 years at the Miami Herald and was on two Pulitzer Prize-winning teams, including one that uncovered widespread election fraud and overturned a Miami election.

While continues to work as a freelance journalist for other publications and TV networks — and even won an Emmy in 2012 for a segment she co-produced on absentee ballot fraud on Univision 23 — her alter ego continues to be hyper aware of the underbelly, if you will, of South Florida politics. Watchdogs have that sixth sense.

Through Ladra, de Valle brings readers of Political Cortadito an insider’s view of what’s going on behind the scenes and in the back rooms right under their noses. Political Cortadito was selected as best local blog by Miami New Times for Best Of 2014 and won a Hispanicize Tecla Award for best political blog, in competition with others from across the country, in 2015.

In a world where mayors are jailed for public corruption and congressional candidates are investigated and local electeds give away the farm to special interest and pay-to-play dominate their decisions, Political Cortadito makes the connections that show who is behind the political shenanigans of the day. And while citizens are increasingly silenced by the powers that be, Ladra’s bark is getting louder.

And If she barks, it’s probably for a good reason. _______________________________________

Ladra es el alter ego de Elaine de Valle, quien trabajo 18 años en el Miami Herald y pertenecio a dos equipos que ganaron dos premios Pulitzer, incluyendo uno que desencubrio el fraude electoral y “overturn” las elecciones.

Aun trabaja como corresponsal para varios medios y tambien hace consultas privadas. Pero como todavia se entera de todo lo que sucede detras de la escena y tiene el “inside” en el espectaculo politico, de vez en cuando saca a Ladra a pasear.

Y si Ladra ladra, es probable que sea por buen motivo.