Jeb Bush lack of Hispanics is okay for Iowa only

Jeb Bush lack of Hispanics is okay for Iowa only
  • Sumo

UPDATED: So there’s a David Kochel, a Sally Bradshaw, a Kristy Campbell and even a Brandi Brown. I kid you not.jeb bush Brandi! With an I. Then, at the very bottom of the list, there is a Pablo Diaz. Lackey. Waterboy.

Is this how former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a darling of Hispanic Republicans, plans to woo the Latino vote in a potential presidential run?

Nah. This team he has assembled in recent weeks — which got some attention last week after he landed Kochel, architect of Mitt Romney ‘s 2008 and 2012 Iowa runs — is how Bush gains an edge in his party and in Iowa, where, Ladra gathers, Hispanics don’t matter that much.

Iowa is the center of attention right now because it will have the first presidential primary a year from Sunday.

But, unless Mr. Diaz, who has run both of Pam Bondi‘s easy peasy campaigns, is a brilliant strategist in disguise or an undiscovered golden message machine or something more than low man on the token pole, this is not gonna cut it after Iowa.

I’m certain that Bush, a moderate on immigration who speaks Spanish and is married to a Mexican, knows this. He won’t ignore this gaping hole. There will be more names ending in z by the time the primary gets around to Nevada, and certainly to Florida.

But what does this say about the Republican Party? That the Hispanic perspective doesn’t matter until the general election? That Latino input is only valuable when it comes to Latino outreach?

Yup. Pretty much.

This just in: Noticing that one token Latino might not be enough, even for Iowa, Jeb hired another this week. Danny Diaz has created ads for Ron Paul and Sen. Ted Cruz. He and Jon Downs, co founders of the D.C.-based FP1 Strategies firm, joined Bush’s Right to Rise PAC, according to CNN.