Third GOP presidential debate: And then there were four

Third GOP presidential debate: And then there were four

The third debate for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination Wednesday seems to have been the best showcase so far for the differences between the self-proclaimed conservative candidates who want the White House. Sure, every single one of the A candidates (we’re not even counting the Happy Hour debaters) is the “only one up here” to do […]

Jeb Bush lies about his business start on Fox News

Jeb Bush lies about his business start on Fox News

Jeb Bush‘s once almost certain nomination as the GOP presidential choice seems farther and farther away each day and he seems increasingly desperate to gain that ground back. Maybe that’s why he felt the need to embellish his business experience in an interview Thursday on Fox News’ Happening Now.  Asked to differentiate himself from his […]

5 things we learned from the CNN GOP debate

5 things we learned from the CNN GOP debate

That was actually fun! Ladra loved the interaction at the GOP’s debate Wednesday night on CNN, but it’s too late to give a full analysis. We can get to that in the morning.  Right now, it’s time for the instant, knee-jerk observations, relevant or not. It felt like they talked about immigration for far too […]

Donald Trump trumps Jeb Bush in social media contest

Donald Trump trumps Jeb Bush in social media contest

The heat has turned up in recent days as GOP presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Donald Trump hone in on each other with recent jabs and attacks. But Trump is getting a lot more traction on his hits, thanks to his copious use of social media. Meanwhile, if Team Jeb wants to know why they […]

Jeb Bush funnier with Stephen Colbert than with Fallon

Jeb Bush funnier with Stephen Colbert than with Fallon

Maybe he just doesn’t care anymore, now that he is slipping in the polls. Maybe he practiced. But Jeb Bush sure seemed more comfortable Tuesday night on the much anticipated return of the Late Show with new host Stephen Colbert than he was weeks ago on the Jimmy Fallon show. Heck, he even gave a shout […]

Jebby Bush leaves Pop to stump for John Couriel’s House seat

Jebby Bush leaves Pop to stump for John Couriel’s House seat

Jeb Bush, Jr., son of the former governor and current GOP contender for president, is taking time out from his busy schedule campaigning for good ol’ Dad so he can fundraise for someone else: John Couriel, who is running for House seat 114 to replace the termed-out Eric Fresen in 2016. “I am honored to have […]

Why brave GOP debate alone when you can [watch] party?

Why brave GOP debate alone when you can [watch] party?

As Republican nominees for the 2016 presidential nomination prepare for the first debate Thursday by rehearsing their issues stances and going over (and over and over) their message points, political junkies in the 305 — where we have not one but two local boys in the running — prepare by purchasing bulk amount of chips […]

Wife, son, even President Dad stump for Jeb Bush campaign

Wife, son, even President Dad stump for Jeb Bush campaign

Anyone subscribed to any of the presidential candidates’ email lists get the pleas for donations, which have been coming furiously in the past few days as we approach Tuesday’s deadline. “Dear Friend,” they usually start before begging for your $5 or a whatever-you-can afford donation because it really, really, really makes a difference, they invariably […]

It’s the Marco & Jeb two-man show all over the U.S.

It’s the Marco & Jeb two-man show all over the U.S.

So, it’s not just us in Miami. Apparently, the whole country is looking at this Republican presidential primary coming next year as a showdown between the two real Floridian candidates — Former Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio. Although there are 12 — maybe 14? Ladra’s losing count — candidates in this race to the White […]

Marco Rubio shines bright at Jeb-less Lincoln Day Dinner

Marco Rubio shines bright at Jeb-less Lincoln Day Dinner

“Marco! Marco! Marco! Marco!” Sen. Marco Rubio was in da house Saturday night. His house. The former West Miami Commissioner, state rep and House Speaker was definitely among friends and fans when he spoke at the Miami-Dade Lincoln Day Dinner as a real contender for president. There were about 20 protesters outside, rallied by the […]