A weak, wounded Annette Taddeo is prime for a primary

A weak, wounded Annette Taddeo is prime for a primary
  • Sumo

We may actually have a Democratic primary in South Florida’s favorite congressional election2016district this year, thanks to the Florida Supreme Court’s new maps that made District 26 a little bluer.

But is wannabe candidate Andrew Korge the best we can do?

Korge put a trial balloon in the air with a Miami Herald reporter, leaking that he is considering a run against Annette Taddeo for the Democratic nomination for Congress in the 26th District.

You know. The former Joe Garcia vs. David Rivera and Carlos Curbelo  vs. Joe Garcia district.

Andrew, a Coconut Grove resident, is different from Annette in that he has never run for office. She’s a pro in that she’s made running for office a full-time job. But Korge has that same blind thirst for elected office. You see? Both are just dying to be electeds. It doesn’t taddeokorgematter where.

Taddeo has run for county commission, congress, Lt. Governor, and now congress again.  She is just itching to be an elected official, no matter the office or constituency. The same might be said of Korge. Sources close to his father say he first eyed a state House seat occupied by Democrat David Richardson. He is now a candidate for State Senate in 2020, in a seat currently being held by Gwen Margolis. And he allegedly eyed a Florida Senate seat in Broward that Lauren Book wants.

No doubt drawn by the redistricting, he has now turned his attention to FL 26. And why not? He can see that Taddeo is vulnerable. He can see that she is already having trouble fundraising. Sure, okay, she’s collected just over $461,300 and its no surprise, either. What with those emails begging for contributions coming nearly every day.

But it’s a tiny amount compared to the $1.2 million raised by incumbent Congressman Carlos “CryBaby” Curbelo. And if you look at the Democratic donors giving to Hillary Clinton, it’s a way surprising itsy bitsy fraction.

Ladra researched Taddeo’s public campaign contributions and saw that Andrew Korge may be on to something. We matched it up to Clinton’s Miami-Dade donor list, thinking we would find hundreds in common. But guess what was our surprise? Of Hillary’s 690-some donations from Miami-Dade only 29 gave to Taddeo, who is the ex chairwoman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party. You read that right! Twenty-nine!

One has to wonder why is it that the 305 donor base is so willing to contribute to the female Dem running for president but are universally shying away from contributing to the local female Dem who happens to be the only announced candidate in one the party’s top targeted races in the county.  Maybe they are just tired of giving to Annette Taddeo for This or Taddeo for That. Maybe they might be willing to give to someone else — like a candidate with a chance of winning instead of one with a losing streak.

And maybe Andrew Korge knows this.korgeandpapi His papi, Chris Korge, is a big time Democratic fundraiser. “A Clinton go-to rainmaker,” is what he’s been called. And he might even be able to self fund his boy’s campaign. Even though the elder Korge was recently swindled out of millions of dollars by a Ponzi schemer — and he was even interviewed on national TV about the sordid affair — there are millions more where that came from thanks to his role as a sole source vendor at the Miami International Airport. You see? Before Mayor Carlos Gimenez began his friends and family plan, former Mayor Alex Penelas made many millionaires out of the men he was surrounded by during his administration.

But I digress.

And while Baby Korge may be right about Taddeo being vulnerable, Ladra thinks he’s crazy if he thinks his face is the party’s best bet in one of the most Hispanic congressional districts in the country.

Loyal readers might remember my crush on former macdougallCutler Bay Mayor Ed “Big Mac Daddy” MacDougall, who ran for that seat in the Republican primary last year. A former cop, war hero and self-made millionaire — what’s not to like?– Mac spent hundreds of thousands of his own money trying to defeat Curbelo, a lobbyist with a secret client list who had been artificially propped up by the establishment.

But while he was the best candidate by far, Mac’s money and resume meant nothing at the end of the day because, as Ladra lamented, he did not have a z or a vowel at the end of his name (and a silent e does not count, Mr. Korge). MacDougall got 58% in the Monroe County part of the district. But he came in third behind both Curbelo and former Miami-Dade Chairman Joe Martinez in Miami-Dade.

Okay, so that was a Republican primary and Korge would be running in a Dem primary against a three time loser who does not have the support of the Clinton machine. It would not surprise us, actually, if he beat Taddeo. But could he overcome the Hispanic thing and do we really want to risk it when we can make Curbelo a one-term congressman?

Do Democrats really curbelo primary victorywant to take that chance? They’e just been handed a gift by the Supreme Court — a newly drawn district that Barack Obama won by ten points in 2012. Do Democrats really want to risk a Curbelo re-election by fielding an Anglo in what has already proven to be a Hispanic seat?

Ladra says no, but I bet Carlos Curbelo would be the first person to contribute to an Andrew Korge for Congress campaign.

And that’s the least of Annette’s problems. She better beg Santa that a more serious candidate — maybe even a Cuban — doesn’t see the chink in her armor that Andrew Korge glimpsed.