Little Miss Ultra Diaz pours her own cash into judicial race

Little Miss Ultra Diaz pours her own cash into judicial race
  • Sumo

City of Miami Assistant City Attorney Veronica “Little Miss Ultra” Diaz and her sleazy attorney Screen shot 2014-08-15 at 12.47.06 AMboyfriend have poured almost $100,000 into her campaign for judge.

Even though she’s been on leave from her $95,000-a-year taxpayer funded job and claimed $47,000 in savings on her financial disclosure form, Diaz has been able to personally invest just a little bit more, with $50,000 into her candidacy.

Another $40,000 was given to a Broward PAC by SKDJ Solutions in Delaware, which Ladra has since learned is owned by Stuart Kalb, a reported business ally of Diaz beau Ben Alvarez, a lawyer with multiple complaints before the Florida Bar. That PAC paid for the negative mailer that went out last week calling former Miami-Dade School Board Member and State Rep. Renier Diaz de la Portilla a three-time loser.

Read related story: Dade judicial attack paid by Delaware biz via Broward PAC

Little Miss Ultra, who has been investigated for steering business to her beau and for taking gift VIP tickets to the Ultra Music Festival as she negotiated the contract with the city, is one to talk.

Baby DLP has raised $80,000 from his supporters and only loaned himself $200. while Diaz Screen shot 2014-08-15 at 12.48.26 AMhas only managed to raise $61,000. Guess that is why she loaned herself the other $50K to bring her total over $120,000, when you count some questionable in-kind donations. At least the one that was originally marked for someone else for “consulting fees” … which was changed to her own in-kind contribution for “consulting” services.

So she consulted for herself?

Can she do that? Can she pay someone else to do political consulting with her own personal checkbook and then call it an in-kind donation? Seems somewhat shady. These are the weirdest campaign reports I’ve seen in a while. Really, someone at some agency should take a look at her checkbook and see where that money is coming from.

Oh, what Ladra wouldn’t do for subpoena powers over bank records.

Meanwhile, her expenditures show that Diaz has paid gypsy con artist Vanessa Brito $4,000 so far for being her “campaign manager” — that’s good “stand on the corner and wave” money — and another consultant, Stephanie Bromfield, $1,000 (probably for Rev. Victor Curry‘s endorsement) while Influence Communications, which also seems to represent former Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, got paid $40,000.

But maybe Influence Communications is  the one paying veteran consultant Bob Levy or Absentee Ballot renierveronicaBagman Al Lorenzo, who we know are both working for the Diaz campaign even though they are not on the financial reports. We know they are in the Diaz Camp not only because Diaz told the Miami Herald editorial board they were on board but also because Bob Levy emailed Ladra after the first story on her in Political Cortadito, and gave me Al Lorenzo’s numbers when I asked for them to contact him.

Who else is working for Diaz that does not come out on her campaign report? Or, for that matter, who else might be contributing through third party loans to Diaz?

Read related story: Veronica Diaz lied — not endorsed by Mayor Tomas Regalado

You know, Ladra might give her the benefit of the doubt if this was her first offense. But Diaz has been investigated on ethics breaches, twice, and she’s touted at least one bogus endorsement.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

What do you call it if you fool me three times? The last time you fool me.