Top 10 reasons to vote for Ralph Cabrera today in Gables

Top 10 reasons to vote for Ralph Cabrera today in Gables
  • Sumo

Because I am not yet rich or lucky enough to live in the beautiful, tree-lined Coral Gables, Ladra wants to ask her friends and supporters there to vote for us and cast their ballots for Ralph Cabrera for mayor.

Yeah, I know. Everybody tells me this is a losing battle. That is why I thought it would be extra important to get all his supporters riled up and tell their friends, and their friends, and my friends who will tell their friends, and so on and so on to get out the vote.

Because it is lost if we don’t. But it is anything but if we do. Honest. This can still be won right today.

And, for me, it is not that Cabrera should be mayor. It is just that Cabrera should be mayor over the alternative, which is incumbent Mayor Jim “The Ambassador” Cason, who practically rubber stamps everything the city manager does and pathetically runs on his track record as the chief officer in the U.S. Interests Section in Havana in the 80s. Shame on him.

Which leads us to our top ten list of reasons to vote for Ralph Cabrera.

Drum roll, please.

10. His municipal track record for tax payers and residents is for almost 20 years of service in the City Beautiful, not a handful of years in our beloved homeland, which is still a foreign country 150 miles away.

9. Cabrera is the only one up there who asks the tough questions and won’t let City Manager Pat Salerno do whatever he wants. We can’t afford to lose him.

8. Gonzalo Sanbria, of MDX and development fame, supports the other guy.

7. You want city employees to keep doing their jobs well and not, oops, run over your gabage or, hmmmm,  “lose” your painting permit.

6. Cabrera has not passed one, single no-bid contract, believing they are bad for the open, transparent process that provides for a fair and equal playing field in which it is harder to graft.

5. Cason hasn’t met a no-bid contract he didn’t like.

4. Cabrera is more Cuban. I swear. (Hey! It works for them).

3. Cason repeatedly lies about being more Cuban and about Cabrera’s record on pension reform, and knowingly does so, intentionally taking the commissioner’s words out of context for campaign purposes and enjoying himself all the while.

2. Cabrera deserves this. He’s earned it. He’s been fighting your battles up there for 12 years. Cason is a Johnny Come Lately who isn’t fighting any battles any more.

And the Number One reason why you have to vote for Ralph Cabrera today is…

1. A vote for Jim Cason is really a vote for Pat Salerno.

Okay, and add an 11th reason. Do it for Ladra. Be my proxy. Vote for Ralph.

See you at the polls later.