Coral Gables mayoral forum shows stark differences

Coral Gables mayoral forum shows stark differences

UPDATED: Former Coral Gables Commissioner Ralph Cabrera killed it at the first mayoral debate Monday against the overly-scripted incumbent Mayor Jim Cason, who seemed to fumble around and stammer. Cason could hardly put together a coherent sentence — even though it seemed he was reading the whole time. It was the best example to date […]

Coral Gables: Three full races are on with 10 candidates

Coral Gables: Three full races are on with 10 candidates

Qualification ended at noon Friday for the April Coral Gables elections that nobody really knows about and all three seats on the ballot became contests with a last minute entry against Commissioner Frank Quesada and a free-for-all of six candidates in the open seat vacated by termed-out Commissioner William “Billy” Kerdyk. Activist Enrique Lopez, who […]

Coral Gables’ Jim Cason will run again after all — but why?

Coral Gables’ Jim Cason will run again after all — but why?

After weeks of speculation and guessing about a switcheroo scenario in which he could run for commissioner, Coral Gables Mayor Jim Cason — who originally said he was only interested in one term, then two when he said he thought one term was four years — has called a press conference this morning to announce, […]

Ralph Cabrera to the rescue in Coral Gables

Ralph Cabrera to the rescue in Coral Gables

Who’s going to run against Ralph Cabrera for mayor of Coral Gables? Nobody knows yet. It’s like they’re drawing straws. We’re pretty sure it ain’t gonna be incumbent Mayor Jim Cason. For months, folks have been hearing of his switcheroo plan, the one by which he steps down to let Commissioner William “Billy” Kerdyk, who […]