Donald Trump and Carlos Gimenez together again is fake news business

Donald Trump and Carlos Gimenez together again is fake news business

No sooner had the ink dried on the tweet by Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez announcing his run for mayor, did President Donald Trump jump to endorse him. The POTUS himself. It must have caught his attention when Gimenez announced the entry into the Republican primary in a welcome message to Trump, here for the Republican […]

Carlos Gimenez should resign to run for Congress, not abuse office to campaign

Carlos Gimenez should resign to run for Congress, not abuse office to campaign

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez finally announced his run for Congress on Thursday, with quite the dramatic flair. He did it via twitter with a new campaign handle, using the arrival of President Donald Trump — and immediately securing his endorsement — to try to shore up his thin GOP cred. “Welcome to Miami @realDonaldTrump. Thank you […]

Omar Blanco and everyone else vs Irina Vilariño and Frank Artiles

Omar Blanco and everyone else vs Irina Vilariño and Frank Artiles

Miami-Dade firefighter Omar Blanco has already gotten an entourage of local political stars to support his bid to run against Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell in 2020, scoring a series of nice endorsements for the Republican primary in just a matter of weeks. Among his supporters are Sen. Anitere Flores, Miami-Dade Commissioners Jose “Pepe” Diaz, Rebeca Sosa, Javier Souto […]

Fire union chief runs for Congress in CD26, creates GOP primary

Fire union chief runs for Congress in CD26, creates GOP primary

Miami-Dade firefighter Omar Blanco is not new to politics. The 15 veteran of the department and president of the International Association of Firefighters local union has campaigned both for and against candidates on both sides of the aisle. He has tousled with Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and House Speaker Jose Oliva — and won. Now, […]