County officials honor Natacha Seijas for 1999 living wage law

County officials honor Natacha Seijas for 1999 living wage law

She’s been known as the body bag commissioner because she once threatened a colleague with those words in a late night, early morning budget hearing.  But on Tuesday — er, I mean, on “Honorable Natacha Seijas Day” — the former Hialeah commissioner who was ousted in an ugly and historic recall in 2011, was re-christened The Mother […]

Fake Oliver Gilbert recall another bogus Brito bungle

Fake Oliver Gilbert recall another bogus Brito bungle

The rumored recall against Miami Gardens Mayor Oliver Gilbert has not materialized. Despite claims that there would be a petition filed last Monday by recall maven Vanessa Brito — who loves to take credit for the recalls of former Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez and Commissioner Natacha Seijas, even though it was Norman Braman‘s money that did it — there had been no paperwork […]

Natacha Seijas: From ousted official to kids’ author

Natacha Seijas: From ousted official to kids’ author

It is not that surprising that local attorney-turned-author and fellow political junkie Stephen Cody has written another children’s book. But that his co-author is former Natacha Seijas, who was recalled in an ugly weird thing that happened in 2011, might raise some eyebrows. The fact that the book is a children’s book on bullying is […]