Philip Levine team leaves slate mate in the cold

Philip Levine team leaves slate mate in the cold

Miami Beach Mayor Elect Philip Levine is having a little shindig on Friday for his slate mates — it’s called a “friendraiser,” though, because I think it is past the deadline for reporting campaign contributions. But not everyone is included. The event posted on facebook Wednesday is for commission candidates Michael Greico and Joy Malakoff, […]

Levine handler Jonah Wolfson dodges ethics questions

Levine handler Jonah Wolfson dodges ethics questions

As Ladra researched the Miami Beach mayoral elections and talked to dozens of people, one name came up as often as that of the candidates’: Commissioner Jonah “Potty Mouth” Wolfson, un fosforito with possible ethics lapses who is hell bent on getting questionable millionaire jerk Philip Levine elected and is alternately described as Levine’s attack […]

Editorial Cartoon: Miami Beach City Hall or Bower Tower?

Editorial Cartoon: Miami Beach City Hall or Bower Tower?

So, the only person who answered my open call for editorial cartoons is Mike Burke, who has a fixation with Miami Beach Mayor Matti Bower. Not a Basic Instinct kind of fixation but an All The President’s Men kind of fixation. Burke’s beefs are pretty plentiful. He doesn’t like the way she travels on the […]

Miami Beach Mayor Matti Bower’s travels may chase her

Miami Beach Mayor Matti Bower’s travels may chase her

Does Miami Beach Mayor Matti Bower really want to be a commissioner, or does she want to travel to some other exotic place next year on the taxpayer’s dime? Bower, who is termed out but decided to run for commission after she thwarted an attempt to stop her, has come under fire before for her […]

Anti-Hispanic race card pulled out in Miami Beach elections

Anti-Hispanic race card pulled out in Miami Beach elections

Two of the big profile candidates in the upcoming Miami Beach elections say that that other candidates, including their main challengers, are running anti-Hispanic campaigns against them. Mayor Matti Bower, a native Cuban who is running for commission, and Commissioner Michael Gongora, who his her hand-picked half-Cuban successor in the mayoral race, both told Ladra […]