First Democratic debate may sedate more than exhilirate

First Democratic debate may sedate more than exhilirate

Don’t expect the first Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night to light a match to the two GOP grudge matches that have already come and gone and gained record ratings for Fox and CNN. Hillary Clinton is just not as entertaining as Donald Trump. And Bernie Sanders isn’t quite as fiery a speaker as Marco Rubio. […]

5 things we learned from the CNN GOP debate

5 things we learned from the CNN GOP debate

That was actually fun! Ladra loved the interaction at the GOP’s debate Wednesday night on CNN, but it’s too late to give a full analysis. We can get to that in the morning.  Right now, it’s time for the instant, knee-jerk observations, relevant or not. It felt like they talked about immigration for far too […]

Why brave GOP debate alone when you can [watch] party?

Why brave GOP debate alone when you can [watch] party?

As Republican nominees for the 2016 presidential nomination prepare for the first debate Thursday by rehearsing their issues stances and going over (and over and over) their message points, political junkies in the 305 — where we have not one but two local boys in the running — prepare by purchasing bulk amount of chips […]

Try as he might, Carlos Lopez-Cantera ain’t no Marco Rubio

Try as he might, Carlos Lopez-Cantera ain’t no Marco Rubio

Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, a former state rep and one-time Miami-Dade property appraiser who wants to replace Sen. Marco Rubio in D.C., is trying to cast himself as a near carbon copy of his would-be predecessor, a 2012 VP contender with the real potential to be the first Hispanic U.S. president. It ain’t gonna fly. Read related […]

Carlos Lopez-Cantera kicks off Senate race right on shedule

Carlos Lopez-Cantera kicks off Senate race right on shedule

Lo prometido es deuda and Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera will keep his promise from a month ago to make an announcement for his Senate run Wednesday — and he will do it at 1 p.m. at the Northwest Miami-Dade offices of a politically-connected businesswoman who was charged with tax evasion in the 90s. Well, at least […]

‘Latino-loving’ GOP silent on Donald Trump insults

‘Latino-loving’ GOP silent on Donald Trump insults

We keep hearing that the national Republican Party wants to include more Hispanics and appeal to more Latino voters. They keep saying that they respect our values and are better able to represent them. But when one of their own calls a large group of Hispanics in the U.S. drug dealers and rapists, the GOP […]

It’s the Marco & Jeb two-man show all over the U.S.

It’s the Marco & Jeb two-man show all over the U.S.

So, it’s not just us in Miami. Apparently, the whole country is looking at this Republican presidential primary coming next year as a showdown between the two real Floridian candidates — Former Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio. Although there are 12 — maybe 14? Ladra’s losing count — candidates in this race to the White […]

Carlos Lopez-Cantera: ‘I may run’ (read: He will run)

Carlos Lopez-Cantera: ‘I may run’ (read: He will run)

Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera got the green light from his wife. C-Lo told a group of close to 750 Republicans at the Miami-Dade Lincoln Day Dinner that he was “considering” a run for the U.S. Senate seat that will be vacated by presidential hopeful Marco Rubio in 2016. He won’t make an official announcement until July 15 […]

Among Marco Rubio’s biggest fans — servers at GOP dinner

Among Marco Rubio’s biggest fans — servers at GOP dinner

Two of the people at the Miami-Dade Lincoln Day Dinner Saturday night left with a phenomenal impression of Sen. Marco Rubio and support his run for presidency. But they weren’t guests. They didn’t buy the tickets that started at $150 for a stuffed chicken dinner with jumbo asparagus. They served the plates of chicken and […]