Hialeah election candidates: Something old, something new

Hialeah election candidates: Something old, something new

Qualifying for the city of Hialeah elections — which was moved up two months — is over today. And we have two new candidates in the mayoral and council elections. Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez is going to go up against two other opponents: Activist Juan Santana, who doesn’t stand a chance, and former Mayor Julio […]

Hialeah’s oppression, er, I mean elections start to heat up

Hialeah’s oppression, er, I mean elections start to heat up

With a little less than five months to go before the city elections in Hialeah, the abusive antics of Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez have begun again. What took him so long? Even if the only declared and unlikely challenger to the dictator’s reign is a foolish but fed-up young man named Juan Santana who decided to […]