Miami-Dade Commission approved changes to barely new district lines

Miami-Dade Commission approved changes to barely new district lines

The process for redistricting is still going on in Miami and at the state level (more on that later), but Miami-Dade County is done. Finito. Commissioners approved new boundaries last week after a few last minute amendments. And there was zero opposition. Zero lawsuits threatened. Zero drama. Probably because there were no huge changes and […]

Miami International Airport vendors get no-bid, rent breaks for ‘COVID relief’

Miami International Airport vendors get no-bid, rent breaks for ‘COVID relief’

Clueless county commissioners admit they don’t know what they did Over the holiday weekend, there were TV news reports about the airport bouncing back and air travel almost having returned to pre-COVID levels. Now, we see news clips about the anticipated holiday travel crunch. So why are Miami-Dade Commissioners giving rich concessionaires with contracts at […]

Miami-Dade Commission holds off D8 appointment to allow for more choices

Miami-Dade Commission holds off D8 appointment to allow for more choices

Now more than ever — after the Miami-Dade commissioners held off the District 8 appointment to open it up to more wannabes — voters countywide must demand a special election as the only way to maintain our trust. The process of replacing Daniella Levine Cava, who was elected to mayor and left her commission seat […]