Pat on the back: Miami-Dade gets something done — their own condom

Pat on the back: Miami-Dade gets something done — their own condom

Miami-Dade made a very excited announcement Wednesday. No, our county leaders haven’t solved the transit problem — not even close. They haven’t found a real, professional with airport experience to run MIA. They haven’t decided to respect the people’s vote and create the Pet’s Trust as they promised to. They didn’t find the perfect location […]

On 9/11 anniversary, bomb dogs called to County Hall

On 9/11 anniversary, bomb dogs called to County Hall

DEVELOPING STORY: Miami-Dade County Commissioners took a recess during their budget meeting Thursday, but not because they were tired or wanted lunch. The meeting was later cancelled as bomb-sniffing dogs came in for a sweep after a bomb threat. Police dogs were called in to sniff around and see if they could find anything, but the […]