Budget breakfast for Bovo & Seijas

Breakfast came with a side of budget matters Tuesday morning for a new county elected and his predecessor at a Miami Lakes Latin American cafeteria — and Ladra is the luckiest dog in the world to have been put in the right place at the right time (more on that later). Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban Bovo […]

First slates, now staffs stiffen up

Campaign teams are forming as paid political operatives attach themselves to candidates and slates in the upcoming Hialeah elections. Most recently, interim alcaldito Carlos Hernandez and Council President Isis “Gavelgirl” Garcia-Martinez were spotted at a Starbuck’s on West 49th Street Thursday morning with absentee ballot queen Sasha Tirador and gypsy con artist and Tiradorita-in-Training Vanessa […]

‘New’ known name in Hialeah race

If at first you don’t succeed, don’t waste the name recognition and run again. That’s a life lesson apparently learned and, now, applied by Frank Lago, chief of staff to Sweetwater Mayor Manuel Maroño, who just took a stab at a state rep seat and lost to cigar czar Jose Oliva (Rep. District 110). So […]

‘Neutral’ activist worked for mayor

The chairwoman of the Miami Voice recall PAC, Vanessa Brito, has repeatedly said she was going to stay neutral in the mayoral race and has been made a media darling — including a Best Local Activist nod from New Times, which apparently does not vet its best candidates — for her role (read: paid Norman […]

Two hours more hours to vote

The biggest problem in the Carlos Gimenez mayoral campaign came right before noon today: rain. The wet weather is expected to affect the small “rush” of voters who typically go to their Election Day precincts to vote. And turnout has never been more important in a race than it is today. Of course it’s desireable […]

Uncle Luke: His man buys ballots

When the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office questions Luther Campbell about his endorement-for-a-favor , they should ask him what he knows about Julio Robaina‘s absentee ballot operation. Uncle Luke, who came in fourth in the May 24 primary and later endorsed Robaina because Carlos Gimenez would not give his friend a job, went on twitter today […]

AB machine has "turbo" in Hialeah

More absentee voters have cast ballots in the June 28 mayoral runoff than in the May 24 primary already, with six days left for people to return them. As of today, the Miami-Dade Elections Department reports that 75,471 absentee ballots returned of the 126,980 requested. That’s almost 60 percent. And it could top 80,000 by […]

PAC pumps political pals

The Miami Voice PAC that led the recall of former county commissioner Natacha Seijas has vowed not to officially endorse anyone in the mayor’s race (yeah, riiiight. More on that later). But the group that allegedly speaks for the masses is not above promoting an old pal of the PAC chair — without so much […]

Sweetwater Mayor Jose Diaz: ‘Show me the money!’

Sweetwater Mayor Jose Diaz: ‘Show me the money!’

In what has been characterized as a political ploy a full year before what is shaping up to be a heated local election, Sweetwater Mayor Jose M. Diaz — a 12-year commissioner who took over last fall after the previous mayor was arrested on federal public corruption charges — said he has absolutely no idea […]

AB queen prowls for new job

Hialeah’s city council meetings are not only wonderful classes on city history and political plotting, they also provide us with little unexpected treats that may shed light on upcoming elections. Imagine Ladra’s delight surprise to find campaign consultant and absentee ballot queen extraordinaire Sasha Tirador — who couldn’t get former Hialeah mayor Julio Robaina the […]

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