Round 4 GOP debate winners and losers = no big surprises

Round 4 GOP debate winners and losers = no big surprises
  • Sumo


(Continued from previous page)

Tuesday night he showed he is still a force to be reckoned with at the party.


Jeb Bush: The establishment favorite, the prodigal son who was expected, several months ago,jebbush to get the nomination, should hang up his skates and go home. Jeb! needs to trade in his exclamation mark for a question mark because the campaign is more like Jeb? these days. And the answer is no. He may have done better than he has in the past but he needed a break-out moment to stop or at least slow down the free fall of his candidacy and Jeb just didn’t pull it off. In fact, um, he sure sounded, um, uncomfortable, um. and unsure up there. He faltered on some questions about banking. And if he’s not having the fun he expected to have he should just bow out now and save face while his endorsement is still worth something.

John Kasich: The former Ohio guv also needed a break-out moment or something to keep him above the water and out of the Chris Christie area. How much you wanna bet Kasich is sitting at the kiddie table at the next debate. He whines too much. He also mumbled some incoherent mumbo jumbo on the banking bailout. And while Kasich has some good ideas and definitely said the truth about immigration — that there is no way anybody is going to advocate for the deportation of 11 million people — he should know that this kind of honest aw shucks, you-just-dont-get-it flabbergasted stance is not going to win votes in a Republican primary. He’s not in the general yet. And he needs to stop begging and whining for time. At this point, it just makes him look desperate.

Rand Paul: Ditto on the whining and the desperation. Rand Paul did better than he has in almost any other debate, really, and he had a bit of a moment there challenging Marco Rubio, but he was quickly slapped down. It says a lot about him if he still is among the losers after a better than usual performance. Ditto on the kiddie table.

Donald Trump: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he has his crazy fringetrump2 people who he will always have because of his promised wall. The Donald needs to get new people and he is going in the opposite direction every time he opens his mouth. Ladra bets his numbers continue to fall in the polls as his performances become less and less, well, performances. Maybe he shouldn’t have started out with such a bang. People are really starting to listen to what he says now and they realize that he is just repeating the same nonsensical sentences and says nothing of substance. It’s all buzz words and branding. Yuge buzz words and killer branding. 

Ben Carson: It seems that Ben Carson studied between the last debate and Tuesday’s showdown because he sounded a lot more informed on the issues. Immediate post-debate reports said he was one of the top mentions in social media. Carson also seemed a little more energetic and enthusiastic, like a three on a scale from one to 10.He almost lost me a couple of times but I had coffee. Then he had to spend a lot of the time on the defense about news reports that he lied about several things, including that he was offered a scholarship to West Point. Like Trump, he remains in the top four, but not because of Tuesday night. 

Despite Fiorina having a more standout performance than Trump, Ladra still believes it is a four man game at this point — well, as of the last debate. Trump and Carson, because they have the popular power right now, and Cruz and Rubio, because they have the gravitas.

This debate didn’t really whittle that number down to three, but if I had to pick my final two right now, they would be Cruz and Rubio.

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