Carlos Gimenez should resign to run for Congress, not abuse office to campaign

Carlos Gimenez should resign to run for Congress, not abuse office to campaign

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez finally announced his run for Congress on Thursday, with quite the dramatic flair. He did it via twitter with a new campaign handle, using the arrival of President Donald Trump — and immediately securing his endorsement — to try to shore up his thin GOP cred. “Welcome to Miami @realDonaldTrump. Thank you […]

Carlos Gimenez used taxpayer paid office staff for Congressional bid

Carlos Gimenez used taxpayer paid office staff for Congressional bid

Text messages don’t lie: Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez has been caught using several members of his publicly paid senior staff to basically work on his suddenly-halted and possibly aborted congressional campaign. And the executive director of the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, Jose Arrojo, said they would investigate. An ethics complaint filed Friday […]

Omar Blanco and everyone else vs Irina Vilariño and Frank Artiles

Omar Blanco and everyone else vs Irina Vilariño and Frank Artiles

Miami-Dade firefighter Omar Blanco has already gotten an entourage of local political stars to support his bid to run against Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell in 2020, scoring a series of nice endorsements for the Republican primary in just a matter of weeks. Among his supporters are Sen. Anitere Flores, Miami-Dade Commissioners Jose “Pepe” Diaz, Rebeca Sosa, Javier Souto […]

Fire union chief runs for Congress in CD26, creates GOP primary

Fire union chief runs for Congress in CD26, creates GOP primary

Miami-Dade firefighter Omar Blanco is not new to politics. The 15 veteran of the department and president of the International Association of Firefighters local union has campaigned both for and against candidates on both sides of the aisle. He has tousled with Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and House Speaker Jose Oliva — and won. Now, […]

FL26: Joe Garcia goes from zero to hero in 60 seconds

FL26: Joe Garcia goes from zero to hero in 60 seconds

Poor Annette Taddeo. She must be pulling her hair out and/or crying her eyes out. Former Congressman Joe Garcia jumped into the race less than three weeks ago and already he looks like the front runner. First, he releases an internal poll that shows him with a double digit lead over his one-time BFF. Okay, […]

A weak, wounded Annette Taddeo is prime for a primary

A weak, wounded Annette Taddeo is prime for a primary

We may actually have a Democratic primary in South Florida’s favorite congressional district this year, thanks to the Florida Supreme Court’s new maps that made District 26 a little bluer. But is wannabe candidate Andrew Korge the best we can do? Korge put a trial balloon in the air with a Miami Herald reporter, leaking […]

Congressional maps decision helps Annette Taddeo

Congressional maps decision helps Annette Taddeo

The Florida Supreme Court approval of new congressional maps will affect District 26, where freshman U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo now has a real battle on his hands. Curbelo was elected last year against one-term Congressman Joe Garcia, who had a cloud hanging over his head about absentee ballot fraud just as former Congressman David Rivera […]

Joe Garcia goes private, leaves FL26 to fresher meat

Joe Garcia goes private, leaves FL26 to fresher meat

Former Congressman Joe Garcia is out of politics — at least for now. Garcia has seemed to kick his habit — running for office — and gone for the private sector. He is now senior vice president of QueensFort Capital, a Miami Beach-based merchant and investment bank where he apparently will use his experience and […]

Dear Carlos Curbelo: You have two years, then bye-bye

Dear Carlos Curbelo: You have two years, then bye-bye

Our only relief is that he’ll be a one-term congressman. Carlos “Crubaby” Curbelo‘s predictable defeat of Congressman Joe Garcia Tuesday night in one of the ugliest and most expensive campaigns in Florida history is not the huge accomplishment that he’s going to boast it is. After all, the numbers were there for whoever went against […]