La Alcadesa’s first SOTC in Miami-Dade will be virtual, COVID-19 centric

La Alcadesa’s first SOTC in Miami-Dade will be virtual, COVID-19 centric
  • Sumo

The first female and first Jewish mayor of Miami-Dade County will deliver her first State of the County address Friday morning without a live audience, thanks to COVID19, which promises to be the central theme of her speech.

La Alcaldesa Daniella Levine Cava will present the annual report on the county’s status and goals virtually, on the county’s webcast, Miami-Dade TV, and social media platforms, so it doesn’t become a super spreader event.

“In previous years, we gathered in person to celebrate the achievements of our community and the year ahead,” Levine Cava said in a statement.

“We are in unprecedented times, and our virtual format reflects the unique challenges of this moment and gives me an opportunity to speak directly with you, our community, about how we will get through this time of crisis and build back stronger,” she said.

According to the Florida Department of Health COVID dashboard, Miami-Dade has the highest number of cases in the state, with 366,127 reported as of Thursday. That includes more than 10,500 hospitalizations and at least 4,797 deaths.

These numbers and “unprecedented times” indicate that COVID and the county’s response is going to be the main topic. Naturally, Ladra expects the forever issues like transportation and housing to be touched upon.

A 20-second video “promo” on YouTube says nothing and a request for a preview went unanswered.

The SOTC speech begins at 9 a.m. Friday. Tune in via the county’s website here.