Unmasked Commissioner Esteban Bovo risks COVID19 for POTUS Miami visit

Unmasked Commissioner Esteban Bovo risks COVID19 for POTUS Miami visit
  • Sumo

Everyone in Miami Dade must wear a face mask at all times outside in public as of a July 3 executive order from the mayor – unless you are a county commissioner or the president of United States, of course.

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and Commissoners Esteban “Steve” Bovo and Jose “Pepe” Diaz welcomed President Donald Trump Friday to Miami for a meeting with the Southern Command and a gathering with Venezuelan leaders at a Doral Church.

Gimenez and Diaz wore black face masks. Trump, as usual, didn’t wear one at all and Bovo reportedly COVID19took his off to bond with the Donald.

He better self isolate for at least 14 days. And that could be a damper on his mayoral bid.

Apparently, el Bobo had a mask on earlier. Ladra heard it was an American flag mask. But for some reason, he decided to take it off either to emulate his hero or perhaps to seek Trump’s endorsement in the mayoral election. Except who else is he going to endorse, dummy? You’re it. If POTUS weighs in on our local election, you’re his go-to guy.

Read related: David Rivera’s ‘Maduro money’ spread to Esteban Bovo, Alex Diaz de la Portilla

Maybe he wanted to make Trump feel comfortable, even though nobody else on the plane wore masks.

“In order to greet the president, everyone in the photo had to test negative for the virus,” Bovo told Ladra late Friday. “Literally, tested an hour before greeting him. Can’t greet him if you’re positive. I took the mask off to speak to him, had it the rest of the time.”

But what kind of message is this county commissioner and wannabe mayor sending to voters? “Laws don’t apply to me?” Or is it, “Do as I say and not as I do?” Is this how he gets Miami-Dade residents to take “personal responsibility” with masks and distancing? Some example.

And, more importantly, how is it that they got instant results within the hour when everyone else has to wait between eight and 11 days, or longer?

“The White House advance team coordinates it,” Bovo told Ladra.

It pays to be the king, huh?

Neither Trump nor Bovo will be fined for violating the countywide mandated mask order. The Miami Herald said the county gave some explanation about exemptions for federal facilities and churches. Really? Churches are exempted from the face mask rule but restaurants have to be closed?

Read related: Miami-Dade’s Esteban Bovo: ‘Close streets for post COVID19 reopening’

And did anyone expect Gimenez, who is running for the Republican nomination to Congressional District 26, to really enforce his rules with Trump? Please. He has his head so far up Trump’s ass, he doesn’t even need a mask. Though maybe he could use a face shield.

But the unmasked Bovo photo moment may also have been a strategic campaign decision. It makes Bovo and Trump thick as thieves of a feather. He is going for those Republican votes that might otherwise go to Commissioner Xavier Suarez, who wasn’t there to wear a mask or take it off.

He was showing us how to practice social distancing. Quite possibly the smartest move of all.