Joe Garcia prepares for race vs Curbelo or MacDougall

Joe Garcia prepares for race vs Curbelo or MacDougall
  • Sumo

(Continued from previous page)

Miami-Dade Democrats demanded Curbelo’s apology Wednesday for statements he made on TV Sunday about sending the border children back indiscriminately and without due process (more on that later) and recently protested a campaign even where Curbelo — student of the Diaz-Balart School of Political Science, Screen shot 2014-08-20 at 6.18.28 PMwhere the goal is to be anointed by the powers that be — was stumping with former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

Read related story: Dade Dems target Carlos Curbelo and Mitt Romney show

Their efforts indicate that they have already honed in on Curbelo as their opponent in November.

Why Florida Democratic Party spokesman Max Steele practically said it, according to a story in Sunshine State News.

“Miami area residents want a representative they can trust to stand up for the middle class, seniors and their values – which is why South Florida rejected Romney before and will do the same to Curbelo in November,”  Steele was quoted as saying on Monday about the Mitt and Carlos Show at Vicky Bakery.

Ooops. Was that a Freudian slip?

Counted as also-rans: David Rivera, Larry Palomares, Joe Martinez

Not really being considered: Former Miami-Dade Commissioner Joe Martinez; the only constitutional attorney in the race, Lorenzo Palomares Starbuck; and former Congressman David “Nine Lives” Rivera, who is certain to get around 18 percent at least on sheer Cuban abuela love and the most enviable name recognition that can escape scandalous headlines even as he campaigns.

So the two that Dems are already cracking their knuckles for are Big Mac Daddy and the Crybaby. And each candidate comes with his own set of pluses and minuses.

Curbelo has more money — he has only spent about half of his $1.3 million booty — and more youth, and a cute family, and a Hispanic surname. But he is a lobbyist with a lot of baggage and potential attack fodder: gambling connections, school board contracts to scrutinize, a client list he keeps hidden by putting his company in his wife’s name.

Carlos Curbelo backers include a loanshark, a felon, a racist

MacDougall could have less money, although he is a millionaire funding his own campaign. He has loaned himself $360,000 of $400,000 and has spent more than $350,00 of that. He is also — yes, I will say it again — an Anglo running in the most Hispanic district in the country. But, looking on the bright side, he is a macdougallwayneself-made man, a war veteran and former cop with his own business and is harder to hit with negative mail.

I mean, how can you tear down John Wayne?

Garcia supporters and campaign people say that either opponent would present its unique set of circumstances, but that the Congressman’s race will concentrate on continuing the pursuit of immigration reform and other social issues that have so far, they say, resonated with District 26 voters.

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