Andrew Korge still shops around for a seat — or a sellout

Andrew Korge still shops around for a seat — or a sellout
  • Sumo

Like a leapfrog, Andrew Korge jumped yet again this week from korgeoutsidethe Senate race in District 39 against Anitere Flores to District 40, where he has a primary battle against incumbent Sen. Dwight Bullard and former State Rep. Ana Rivas Logan.

Korge has been shopping around for elected office since he first expressed interest in Gwen Margolis‘ seat. In fact, it’s odd that he didn’t go back to that seat himself when Margolis decided to retire. From there, he has jumped over to the congressional race against Annette Taddeo and then again to the Senate race with Flores.

Sure, District 40 has a slightly bigger Dem advantage and Flores was a crossover leading in the polls. But while Frank Artiles, the Republican he’d face in November, is an easier target than Flores, he’s got to get through August first.

And that’s if he doesn’t get buyer’s remorse between now and then.

And he might. And he should.

After news came out — first in the Sunshine State News then in the Miami Herald and tomorrow on every political tabloid show there is — that Korge tried to bribe Bullard off the ballot with a $25,000 payola, it’s going toleapfrog be hard for voters to look at the trust fund kid with any kind of credulity again. His campaign is sorta over before it even began.

I mean, sure the Korges are used to throwing money at politicians and getting what they want. But this time what Kid Korge wanted was the pol’s job. And that’s kind of crossing the line. Nana nina.

Korge has denied the bribe but we all know what happened here. Because it happens all the time. He probably promised to put $25,000 in Bullard’s campaign if he moved it to another district.

With a bank of almost $400,000 — that’s just his campaign, not including any PACs — and the ability to raise half a million more if necessary, one has to wonder what other kind of political strategy Korge will employ now to get elected (read: watch the ABs).