‘In God We Trust’ to frame county commission we distrust

‘In God We Trust’ to frame county commission we distrust
  • Sumo

Atheists and agnostic voters, heed note: The Miami-Dade Commission does not represent you.

In what seemed like a footnote item given very little attention, dollar bill moneycounty commissioners voted last week to put the words from the U.S. motto “In God We Trust” behind the dais in commission chambers at County Hall — like they’re sorta shucking their responsibility.

He, with a capital h, must be fuming. How dare they take a statement like that and put it along a dais where there is so little trust? Everyone knows that the level of distrust in county and local government as a whole has never been this high.

Wait, do they mean like a mural of U.S. currency with the words on it? Because now that totally makes sense.

This brilliant “legislation” (read: propaganda) was conceived of by Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz, who seems to know very little about separation of state and religion. “This country was founded by people who believe in God, and our faith has kept us strong through the hardest of times as a nation and as individuals,” Commissioner Diaz said in a statement.

Really? Really? Am I the only one who finds something wrong with this? I don’t want to leave my county government up to God’s will. I want the folks elected to office there to be accountable and responsible for what happens.

Look, Ladra is a good cafeteria Catholic from parochial school dog, but there is no reason for this. What public policy or need is served? What public benefit is there? And what is the cost? Even if it’s just a little for manhours and materials, wouldn’t we rather spend those few hundred dollars on new books?

Diaz justified his initiative by citing national and historical perspective.

The U.S. Congress first authorized the National Mint to include “In God We Trust” on coins in 1865 and mandated the words’ appearance on all national coins and currency in 1955. A year later, Congress made “In God We Trust” the national motto, and the motto has been inscribed above the Speaker’s rostrum in the U.S. House of Representatives and above the main door of the U.S. Senate Chamber.

The Florida Legislature made “In God We Trust” the state’s official motto in 2006.

But three wrongs don’t make a right.