Miami Beach mayor Phillip Levine plays politics on video

Miami Beach mayor Phillip Levine plays politics on video
  • Sumo

(Continued from previous page)

“Moving forward, we will explore every possible state and federal revenue source to complete the mission at hand,” which just begs the question, well, shouldn’t you do that before practically doubling rates?

“And we’ll work to ensure every dollar is wisely invested and  properly spent,” he added, without mentioning how this gives him the opportunity to dole out millions of work to those connected to his supporters and favorite lobbyists, like his campaign consultant David “&^%$@!” Custin.

“Because when it comes to Miami Beach and the people who live here, I don’t play politics,” Levine says with an actual straight face. “I say let’s get it done for our future and our quality of life.”

But how can anyone confuse this video and his anti Grieco campaign for getting it done. It is the very definition of playing politics. And if you don’t believe Ladra, here’s the entry in the online dictionary.

“play politics,


to engage in political intrigue, take advantage of a political situation or issue, resort to partisan politics, etc.; exploit a political system or political relationships.


to deal with people in an opportunistic, manipulative, or devious way, as for job advancement.”

And this millionaire mayor has no limit to the funds he can play with.

Even though it opens with the city seal and looks pretty official, this is not a city-produced video. Like the email blast sent from his own personal email last week after Wednesday meeting, the YouTube video — which was posted Saturday and had close to 340 views as of this writing — has a disclaimer that states it was paid for out of Levine’s own deep pockets.

“This informational video was paid for entirely by Phillip Levine’s personal funds. No taxpayer dollars or political funds were used,” it says in fine print, though we sort of expected it.

So just look at how important it is for Levine to get this message out. Look at how much time and energy — and whatever pocket change — Levine has poured into this campaign.

And then ask yourself — or, better, ask him — how this is not playing politics.

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